
Archive for the ‘Salarii’ Category

US Enterprise tech salaries revealed: How much Oracle, IBM, SAP, Cisco, Dell, VMware, ServiceNow and Workday pay engineers, developers and data scientists

august 27, 2020 Lasă un comentariu

Un articol preluat din Business Insider, cu salarii din domeniul software engineering la giganti ai tehnologiei din Statele Unite. Pentru ca la ei se poate.  
  • Enterprise tech giants have been hiring aggressively to meet growing demand in corporate IT.
  • Propelled by the rise of the cloud and cutting edge technologies, such as AI and big data analytics, major companies are looking to fill roles that typically pay six-figure salaries.
  • The tech jobs including engineers, data scientists, developers, project managers, and experts in cybersecurity. Oracle offered a senior product management strategy director a salary of $228,000 $336,000.
  • VMware hired a product engineering director with a salary of $290,000 Some are top management posts such the senior VP for human resources IBM hired with a salary of $525,000
  • Here’s a survey of what Oracle, IBM, Dell, SAP, VMware, Workday, ServiceNow and Cisco pay new hires, based on disclosure data for permanent and temporary workers filed with the US Office of Foreign Labor Certification in 2019.
  • Click here for more BI Prime stories.
Enterprise tech is going through big changes with the rise of the cloud, and the attendant interest in cutting edge technologies like AI and data analytics. So it’s not surprising that the biggest names of corporate IT are paying big bucks for top talent in this market. Business Insider analyzed the US Office of Foreign Labor Certification’s 2019 disclosure data for permanent and temporary foreign workers to find out what eight major players in enterprise tech — Oracle, IBM, SAP, Cisco, Dell, VMware, ServiceNow and Workday — pay tech talent in key roles including engineers, developers and data scientists. Companies are required to disclose information, such as salary ranges, when they hire foreign workers under the H1-B visa program, giving insight into what these major companies are willing to shell out for talent. Here’s how much these top enterprise technology companies paid employees hired in 2020: SEE ALSO: The new chief marketing officer of Oracle talks about leaving Amazon, and says that Larry Ellison’s big cloud offensive has ‘parallels’ to the early days of AWS SEE ALSO: VCs say that these 29 companies are the top startups in the booming big data industry SEE ALSO: Experts predict 15 gigantic tech mergers we could see in a recession, from Amazon buying Oracle to IBM buying Dell

Oracle hired a senior product management strategy director with a salary of $228,000 $336,000.

Oracle, one of the most dominant companies players in enterprise software, is making an aggressive bid to become a bigger player in the cloud — a market dominated by Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. Based on federal labor data, the Silicon Valley company has hired aggressively this year for key roles, including dozens of applications developers, software developers and product development strategy managers. Here are some of Oracle’s recent hires from 452 approved visa applications, and how much they’re paid: Senior director of product management/strategy (California): $228,000 to $336,000 a year Product development strategy manager (California): $169,000 to $250,000 Applications developer (California): $169,000 to $250,000 Software developer architect (California): $161,000 to $290,000 Software developer (California): $157,000 to $250,000 Technical analyst (Utah): $59,000 to $89,000 Technical analyst (Illinois): $57,000 to $80,000

IBM hired a senior VP for human resources with a salary of $525,000.

When IBM’s new CEO Arvind Krishna took over in May, he unveiled a bold strategy for dominating the hybrid cloud market — the industry term for a combination of public clouds like Amazon Web Services with a company’s own data centers — which Big Blue projects will eventually be worth $1.2 trillion. IBM’s hiring push has been focused on bringing in more application developers and architects, data specialists and scientists, software developers, various technical roles, including test specialists and a few top executives. Here are some of IBM’s recent hires from 1,876 approved visa applications, and how much they’re paid: Senior vice president for human resources (New York):  $525,000 Software developer (New York): $223,000 Senior software engineer (Massachusetts): $206,000 Data scientist (New York): $148,000 Application Developer (Arkansas): $54,000 to $78,000 Application Developer (Ohio): $55,000 to $96,000

VMware hired a product engineering director with a salary of $290,000.

VMware’s virtualization software made it a key player in enterprise tech, especially with the rapid growth of the cloud. The Silicon Valley giant has been beefing up its technical staff employees and has been hiring a lot of product designers and managers and staff engineers. One of the company’s top hire is for a product engineering director position. Here some of VMware’s recent hires from 717 approved visa applications and how much they’re paid: Director of product engineering (California): $290,000 Director of user experience (California): $261,000 Staff engineer (California): $270,000 Manager of R&D (California): $210,000 Data scientist (Massachusetts): $184,000 Technical staff (Georgia): $74,000 Technical support engineer (Colorado): $77,000

SAP hired a senior development manager with a salary of $178,000 to $303,000.

SAP is a major enterprise software vendor, specializing in databases, that’s making an aggressive bid to expand its presence in the cloud. The company has focused its hiring on bringing in more support engineers, developers, developer architects, development managers and business process consultants. Here are some of SAP recent hires based on 393 approved visa applications and how much they’re paid: Senior development manager (Pennsylvania): $178,000 to $303,000 Business process principal consultant (California): $160,000 to $272,000 Business process principal consultant (Georgia): $130,000 to $220,000 Data scientist (California): $92,000 to $156,000 Development architect (Arizona): $124,000 Developer (Pennsylvania): $69,000 to $116,000 Developer (California): $82,000 to $139,000

Dell hired a senior principal software engineer with a salary of $185,000.

Dell has been trying to pivot away from its historic focus on servers, and to a more software-and-services-centric approach to enterprise tech as a way of carving out a bigger piece of the enterprise tech market. The Texas tech giant emerged as a heftier publicly-traded company two years ago, in the wake of its 2016 megamerger with EMC and its subsidiary VMware. The company’s hiring has focused mainly on software engineers and product marketers. Here are some of Dell’s recent hires based on 472 approved visa applications and how much they’re paid: Vice president for strategic planning (Illinois): $330,000 Senior Principal Software Engineer (California): $185,000 Senior software engineer (Texas): $104,000 Director of IT architecture (Texas): $180,000 Business intelligence analyst (Texas): $55,000

Cisco hired an engineering director with a salary of $170,000 to $324,000.

Cisco has been riding a wave of stronger demand for networking equipment due to the coronavirus crisis and the rise of the remote workforce. Like other traditional enterprise tech players, Cisco has also been adapting to the rise of the cloud. The Silicon Valley company has focused on hiring software and hardware engineers, user experience designers and product managers. Here are some of Cisco’s recent hires based on 695 approved visa applications and how much they’re paid: Engineering director (California): $170,000 to $324,000 Software development director (California): $194,00 to $277,000 Technical solutions architect (New Jersey): $180,000 to $251,000 Technical solutions architect (Florida): $198,000 to $254,000 Software quality assurance engineer (Arizona): $68,000

ServiceNow hired a machine learning engineer with a salary of $155,000 to $210,000.

ServiceNow has also seen robust growth in the coronavirus crisis and the sudden pivot to remote work with boosted demand for its cloud automation and workflow platform. CEO Bill McDermott recently told Business Insider that the Silicon Valley giant has actually expanded its workforce by 20% since the crisis began. ServiceNow said it has hired 360 tech interns since the pandemic escalated in March. It has also been hiring a lot of engineers, including experts in AI and machine learning. Here are some of ServiceNow’s recent hires based on 225 approved visa applications and how much they’re paid: Machine learning engineer (California): $155,000 to $210,000 Senior mobile developer (California): $132,000 to $165,000 Senior software engineer (California): $132,000 to $140,000 Data analyst (California): $72,000 Performance support engineer (Florida): $70,000

Workday hired a senior principal software development engineer with a salary of $205,000 to $308,000.

Workday is a major cloud player whose platform enables businesses to manage company finances and human resources. The Pleasanton, California-based company was one of the major tech companies to offer one-time bonuses to employees to offset the impact of the coronavirus crisis. Workday has hired mostly applications and development engineers, with some emphasis on AI and machine learning. Here are some of Workday’s recent hires based on 117 approved visa applications and how much they’re paid: Senior principal software development engineer (California): $205,000 to $308,000 Principal machine learning engineer (California): $179,000 to $269,000 Software development engineer (California): $118,000 to $173,000 Software application engineer (California): $119,000 to $173,000 Automation engineer (California): $119,000 to $161,000 Sursa: Business Insider via Inovat in Romania

Salarii pentru toti

ianuarie 16, 2013 2 comentarii

Facand o retrospectiva a cautarilor pe blog pe anul trecut am fost surprins ca Zeitgeist-ul pentru blogul Programat in Romania contine cuvinte de tipul „salarii IT”, „salarii compania x”, cum se vede si in captura de mai jos. Cu alte cuvinte o mare parte din vizitatorii blogului ajung aici in urma cautarilor dupa salarii (in IT), asta in conditiile in care doar in vreo doua posturi am abordat tema asta.


Recunosc, e un subiect important si e de preferat sa afli niste informatii in zona salariilor inainte de a-ti pierde timp pretios in tot felul de interviuri tehnice si de HR, care abordeaza orice, dar numai acest subiect nu.

Intotdeauna am apreciat pietele occidentale (SUA, UK) pentru faptul ca nu fac un secret din salairul corespunzator unei pozitii pentru care angajeaza. Acesta e furnizat ca range destul de strans, reprezentand salariul brut pe un an (ex. (x) GBP/EUR/USD) si da o imagine destul de exacta si asupra nivelului si responsabilitatilor jobului, dincolo de titlul in sine.

La noi salariul e considerat confidential si e un mare tabu, ramas asa inca de la sfarsitul anilor ’90, cand aproape toate salariile erau la negru, sau la un gri foarte inchis.

O alta remarca pe care as face-o e ca la noi majoritatea companiilor nu incearca sa angajeze neaparat cel mai bun candidat pentru o pozitie, ci candidatul care intruneste minimul de cerinte obligatorii si care solicita salariul cel mai mic.

Mai jos o descriere a algoritmului de angajare de tipul „minimal financial expectiations” practicat de majoritatea companiilor:

open position

publish the announcement

filter CVs

run the interviews

select the candidates who passed the interviews

sort the candidates ascending based on the financial expectations

for each candidate

__make the offer

__if offer accepted

____hire candidate


Mult succes tuturor la interviuri si/sau la (re)negocierile de salariu.

Ce salariu mai are Andreea Esca?

aprilie 5, 2012 Un comentariu

Nu intentionam sa abordez subiectul salariilor din software atat de devreme, dar iata ca, la sugestia cititorilor fideli (da, avem si asa ceva) am fost anuntat (pe alte canale decat blogul) de existenta urmatorului articol din ZF despre salariile din software din vest. Din vestul tarii deocamdata.

Verificat apoi rapid din doua surse credibile care activeaza in domeniu tocmai in partea de tara in cauza (merci baieti 🙂 )  am concluzionat ca e putin umflat (cum le sta bine atat studiilor de gen de pe la noi dar si ziaristilor- dornici mereu de senzational), dar ca merita dat pe post, ceea ce am si facut mai jos.

De remarcat si „extraoptiunile”: al 13-lea salariu (30%), ziua de lucru de acasa (24%), vinerea scurta (daca nu e planificata livrare, desigur – prietenii stiu de ce 😉 )

Vazand tabelul imi vin in minte cateva intrebari:

1. Dezvoltatorul (senior), unde e dezvoltatorul? Poate modelul din vest(ul tarii) a depasit faza livrare cu dezvoltatori?!?

2. Business Analyst-ul?

3. Ce inginerii au facut managerii financiari?

4. Da’ cu generalistul in resurse umane ce-au avut?

Un software architect din vestul ţării poate câştiga până la 2.000 de euro net pe lună

Un software architect din vestul ţării poate câştiga până la 2.000 de euro net pe lunăUn angajat care ocupă funcţia de software architect, cu o experienţă de cel puţin cinci ani în dezvoltare software şi care are foarte bune competenţe de programare are un salariu mediu de peste 2.600 de euro brut dacă lucrează într-o companie din vestul ţării, în timp ce un proaspăt absolvent de facultate, care nu are deloc experienţă, se angajează pe un salariu de aproape 700 de euro brut, potrivit studiului salarial şi de beneficii AIMS Salary Map IT.
Având în vedere că softiştii sunt scutiţi de unele impozite, salariile nete ale acestora sunt, de regulă, cu 20% mai mici decât cele brute (nu cu 30%, cum e în cazul celorlalţi angajaţi).

Cercetarea, care a fost realizată în perioada februarie – martie 2012, a fost efectuată pe un eşantion de 32 de companii cu activităţi în domeniul software din Timişoara, Cluj, Sibiu şi Braşov, care au împreună aproximativ 4.500 de angajaţi.

„În pofida incertitudinilor economice, anul 2012 este un an de normalitate pentru dezvoltatorii software. Aproximativ 93% din companiile participante la studiu au declarat că intenţionează să crească salariile angajaţilor cu un procent mediu de 7,5%”, a spus Şerban Mrejeru, senior consultant în cadrul firmei AIMS Executive & Consulting România.

Peste o treime din companiile participante la studiu au spus că oferă anga­jaţilor 13 salarii pe an.

De asemenea, în pachetul de beneficii oferit angajaţilor din departamentele de cercetare şi dezvoltare ale companiilor din vestul ţării se află consultaţiile medicale gratuite la o clinică privată (în cazul a peste 78% din participanţii la studiu), un număr de zile de concediu mai mare decât minimul legal obligatoriu (beneficiu oferit în cazul a două treimi din participanţii la studiu), precum şi petrecerile organizate de companie (beneficiu oferit în toate companiile).

„Mai mult, 84% dintre angajatori permit angajaţilor să aibă un program de lucru flexibil, fiecare angajat având posibilitatea să îşi aleagă ora de venire sau cea de plecare de la birou, cu condiţia să «bifeze» numărul de ore de muncă standard prevăzute în contract”, mai spune Mrejeru.

Totodată, 38% dintre companiile participante la studiu permit angajaţilor să lucreze ocazional de acasă, în timp ce 28% dintre aceştia oferă ca şi stimulent ziua de vineri mai scurtă la birou, pentru a le permite angajaţilor să se bucure cât mai mult de weekend.

„Aceste politici, adaptate practicilor moderne în domeniu, îşi propun să creas­că gradul de motivaţie şi de autonomie a angajaţilor prin edificarea unui mediu de lucru pozitiv şi prin reducerea controlului mai strict practicat în trecut”, a mai explicat Mrejeru.

Cu un salariu lunar de peste 2.600 de euro brut, un software architect este plătit mai bine cu 30% faţă de un angajat aflat pe poziţia de team leader, care coordonează o echipă cuprinsă între 4 şi 15 specialişti şi care are un salariu mediu de 1.860 de euro brut.

La studiu au participat companii din zona de vest a ţării, cu activităţi în domenii precum auto, telecomunicaţii, software de tip ERP sau servicii online. AIMS Executive Search & Consulting România va extinde cercetarea, începând cu anul viitor, la nivel naţional, targetând companii de cercetare & dezvoltare din Bucu­reşti, Iaşi, Craiova sau alte centre tradiţionale din acest sector din România.